April 2020 @ Beit Juhuro


Dear friends,
we are raising funds to help the needy in our community. Please donate according to your means! May Hashem bless all of us with strong health, much happiness, and good news! https://thechesedfund.com/beitjuhuro/fund

In April we listened to many classes given by amazing speakers, celebrated the holiday of Pessach, baked Challah, prayed together and listend to a beautiful concert by the Gorsky-Kavkazi musician & composer Rambam Agababayev on Zoom.

Seven very special ladies got together on a Zoom meeting to fulfill the Mitzwa of Challah in preparation for the Shabbat. Besides of being very delicious, the Challot also looked stunning (pictures below)! Thank you Yaffa Ilyaguev for conducting this amazing event! Bezrat H’ we will have another Challah baking meeting soon!

Rabbi Katzin inspired us with his class on overcoming self-doubt and finding one’s own way in life.

Rabbi Zitron continued the Ladies First sessions with classes on: “Dealing with tragedy, why does G-d take the best?”, “The final test before Mashiach” and “Topics on Emuna” and Gabriel Shagabaev taught Talmud to the men.

We also enjoyed a special class on Hallel and kept learning about the Halachot of Lashon Hara and Shabbat.

Many things could be learned from the unique time we are living in now. One of the things we certainly learned in the past months is that where there is a will there is a way. Even though it isn’t possible to meet as a Community, we are nevertheless staying in touch with each other and are continuing with our learning and prayers together.

Stay well, everyone!